Greyhound Adoption Day Program is a non-profitable and charity organisation that specializes in rescuing and homing greyhounds. We offer shelter and avail the hounds for charity since we advocate for the proper treatment of these pets. Some of these animals have been mistreated or lost by their owners and have not been reunited with their families. We are working overtime to find a positive solution to the problem of dog overcrowding and helping families acquire a new member of the family. We are working hard to find adoptable pets so they can be cared for in loving and caring family homes.
Adopting pets is an exciting time in the life of all pet owners. As all pet owners know, nothing is more satisfying than the unconditional love and affection an animal can offer. Unfortunately, many people don’t do the necessary research before adopting a pet. As a result, more and more animals are being abused and abandoned every year.
Come and join us in our dog adoption day and get introduced to our pet hound collection. You have to learn some of the skills associated with meeting specific needs, but the greatest skill you can offer is love and patience. These animals do not deserve the reasons why they take refuge, but they deserve every opportunity to have this second chance for love.
When the animals are ready, they are released for adoption. It’s a great reward if you think about it. An animal that may have died from his injuries survives because a foster family believed it and is now in good health. She can go to a new house where she will love and be loved for the rest of her life.
We also offer help and support to families that have recently adopted or intend to adopt. They give advice on choosing a dog that’s right for your family, exercising at home, separation anxiety, basic obedience techniques, introducing new pets on a leash or adapting to other pets in the home . Care and adoption should be considered if you love animals. In this situation, there is a great need for animals. Why not consider letting these little fighters know they’re worth it? The reward of seeing them win is the reward you will need!